2021.11.9 TUE
15:00 - 16:30
ICEF2021 ”Pathways to Carbon Neutrality by 2050” with Roadmap Launching Event
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Seminar abstract
【Agenda of the Event】
・Opening address
-NEDO: Takashi WADA, Exective Director, International Affairs Dept.
・Session 1: Keynote
- METI: Ryo MINAMI, Deputy Commissioner for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, Director-General for Evidence-based Policymaking
- ICEF: Nobuo TANAKA, Chair of Steering Committee
・Session 2: ICEF Roadmap launching event(Carbon Mineralization)
-Columbia University: David Sandalow, Co-Director, Energy and Environment Concentration, School of International and Public Affairs
Julio Friedmann, Senior Research Scholar, Center for Global Energy Policy
・Session 3: Panel discussion
“Industrial, governmental and academic initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050”
-CEM CCUS Initiative: Juho Lipponen, Coordinator
-NEDO: Takashi WADA, Exective Director, International Affairs Dept.
-Columbia University: David Sandalow, Co-Director, Energy and Environment Concentration, School of International and Public Affairs(Moderator)
Julio Friedmann, Senior Research Scholar, Center for Global Energy Policy
-Hitachi, Ltd.: Tomoko SUZUKI, Corporate Chief Researcher ,Research & Development Group, Corporate Officer
- • Takashi WADA New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Exective Director, International Affairs Dept.
• Ryo MINAMI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Deputy Commissioner for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, Director-General for Evidence-based Policymaking
• David Sandalow Columbia University Co-Director, Energy and Environment Concentration, School of International and Public Affairs
• Julio Friedmann Columbia University Senior Research Scholar, Center for Global Energy Policy
• Tomoko SUZUKI Hitachi, Ltd. Corporate Chief Researcher ,Research & Development Group, Corporate Officer
▼Online speakers
• Nobuo TANAKA Innovation for Cool Earth Forum(ICEF) Chair of the Steering Committee
• Juho Lipponen Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative Coordinator
Session Summary
●Session 3
【Theme: “Industrial, governmental and academic initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050”】
• All stakeholders must take actions and unite efforts if the goal of achieving carbon neutrality (CN) by 2050 is to be met. It is especially important to raise funds to help academia and industry accelerate the development of cutting-edge innovations and effectively promote international cooperation based on an understanding of national and regional diversity.
• It is important to work on a concrete approach toward CN from the perspectives of the international framework and industry, government and academia.
Message and Results
●ICEF 2021 Roadmap : Carbon Mineralization ( https://www.icef.go.jp/roadmap/ )
This seventh ICEF roadmap explores a topic that has received too little attention: the potential for carbon mineralization to play an important role in helping fight climate change.
Carbon mineralization is a natural process in which carbon dioxide (CO2) becomes bound in rocks as a solid mineral, permanently removing the CO2 from the atmosphere. This process could provide the foundation for a range of activities that not only help fight climate change, but create jobs and deliver local environmental benefits as well. Resources for carbon mineralization are abundant and located in dozens of countries around the world.
●At the UNFCCC Side-Event collaborated with such as IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) on COP26, ICEF also announced the importance of a concrete approach to CN and the ICEF roadmap. The event is also described on the ENGAGE website, which is one of the EU's Horizon 2020 projects. (https://www.engage-climate.org/cop-26-unfccc-side-event-transitioning-towards-low-carbon-and-climate-resilient-pathways-by-2050/)

2021.11.9 TUETimetable
10:30 - 12:00
Nikkei, Inc.
17:00 - 18:30
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)