2021.11.12 FRI

13:00 - 14:30


Toward Strengthening Transparency activities by the private sectors ~from the experience of the Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation(PaSTI) in Asia~

The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

Seminar abstract

【Agenda of the Event】
・Opening remarks
H.E. Yamaguchi Tsuyoshi, Minister of the Environment, Japan
H.E. Grace Fu, Minister of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore
H.E. Ekkaphab Phanthavong, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community ASEAN Secretariat (recorded message)

・Keynote Speech
Dr. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Prof. Dr. Takemoto Kazuhiko, President, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (Online Participation)

・Discussion with Q&A
Moderator : Mr. Kato Makoto, Board Member, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan
Panelists :
Ms. Nicolette Bartlett, Chief Impact Officer, CDP
Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, Manager of the Engagement team, UNFCCC
Ms. Yoshitaka Mari, Deputy General Manager, Principal Sustainability Strategist, MURC
Mr. Dan Pathomvanich, CEO, NR Instant Produce Public Company Limited


  • • H.E. Yamaguchi Tsuyoshi, The Ministry of the Environment, Japan, Minister
    • H.E. Grace Fu, The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore, Minister
    • Mr. Kato Makoto, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan, Member, Board of Directors/ General Manager/ Principal Researcher
    • Ms. Nicolette Bartlett, CDP, Chief Impact Officer
    • Mr. Niclas Svenningsen, Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Manager of the Engagement Team
    • Ms. Yoshitaka Mari, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager, Principal Sustainability Strategist,
    • Mr. Dan Pathomvanich, NR Instant Produce Public Company Limited, CEO

    ▼Online speakers
    • H.E. Ekkaphab Phanthavong, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community ASEAN Secretariat, Deputy Secretary General
    • Dr. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Executive Secretary
    • Prof. Dr. Takemoto Kazuhiko, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan, President

Event Materials

Session Summary

In recent years, such as TCFD and CDP, strengthening corporate transparency towards investors and business partners is becoming more and more important in order to attract ESG investment. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan established the Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI) in 2017, which focuses on promoting transparency of climate action by the private sector. The Partnership has been implemented in corresponding to the national and local situation, as well as needs of the private sector.

At the beginning of this event, the Ministers of Japan and Singapore declared aiming to promote the transparency of whole the ASEAN region through development the common GHG Monitoring & Reporting guidelines to the ASEAN region under the PaSTI-JAIF project. Then, the ASEAN secretariat mentioned to welcome the activities.

In the keynote speech , the UNESCAP confirmed the need for greater transparency in the Asia-Pacific state and expressed support for PaSTI activities. And OECC as the implementation agency of the PaSTI project presented the progress of activities including the cooperation to the whole the ASEAN Regions, the bilateral cooperation and specific activity areas, e.g. promoting transparency regarding climate actions by private sectors and strengthening and streamlining the transparency actions at subnational, national and regional level etc.

In the panel discussion, the transparency scale-up was discussed, and international organizations and private sectors expressed their opinions on the ideal form of reporting requirements and the incentive introduction from each perspective.

Message and Results

For more details, please visit to the official website of PaSTI (Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation) !!
website: https://www.env.go.jp/earth/ondanka/pasti/en/index.html

2021.11.12 FRITimetable

10:30 - 12:00


Japan’s Initiative toward Carbon Neutrality

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)