2021.11.2 TUE
13:00 - 14:30
Leading efforts towards achievement of Zero Carbon Cities
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
ICLEI, Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Seminar abstract
To achieve a decarbonized society, it is essential to promote subnational initiatives. It is also important not only to raise targets in cities, but also to implement effective and continuous actions. In Japan, the national government and local governments have been working together and formulated the Regional Decarbonization Roadmap. Japan also support the decarbonization of overseas cities by sharing experiences and knowledge through international city-to-city cooperation.
This side event aims to contribute to local decarbonization through promoting “decarbonization domino effect” through sharing related initiatives by national governments and subnational governments toward decarbonization at local level and discuss further actions.
- • SEGAWA Keiko, Deputy Director General of Global Environmental Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
• Gorgia Rambelli, Coordinator of Global-Regional Coherence and Chair of the GCoM TWG on Global Regional Coherence, GCoM
• Irvan Pulungan, Governor Special Envoy for Climate Change and Coastal Development, Jakarta
• Frank Cownie, Mayor, Des Moines City
• Célia Blauel, Deputy Mayor, Paris
• TAKAHASHI Kazuaki, Executive Director, Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yokohama City
• Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI
▼Online speakers
• TAKEUCHI Yoshiki, Deputy Secretary General, OECD
• ABE Shuichi, Governor, Nagano Prefecture
• KITAHASHI Kenji, Mayor, Kitakyushu City
• OTA Noboru, Mayor, Maniwa City
• Dung Nguyen Thi Bich, Deputy Director, Hai Phong Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA), Hai Phong City
Message and Results

2021.11.2 TUETimetable
10:30 - 12:00
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
15:00 - 16:30
Ministry of the Environment of Japan