2021.11.8 MON
15:00 - 16:30
Towards Zero: Japanese Non-State Actors Tackling Climate Crisis
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
Seminar abstract
【Agenda of the Event】
Date and Time: 3:00-4:30 PM UK, Monday, 8th November
2.A message video of JCI Race To Zero Circle members
3.Panel Session
Moderator: Naoyuki Yamagishi, Chief Conservation Officer, Director, Climate & Energy and Oceans & Fisheries Division, WWF Japan
Hidenao Makiuchi, Managing Director, Dai-ichi Life International (Europe)
Takeo Omori, ESG Analyst, Responsible Investment Group, Asset Management One Co., Ltd.
Hiroshi Ozeki, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nissay Asset Management Corporation
Masahiro Takahashi, General Manager, Environment Group, NYK Line
Haruhisa Tokito, Organizer, Youth For One-Earth
Megumu Tsuda, Deputy General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Division, Hitachi, Ltd.
4.A message to Japan
Nicolette Bartlet, Chief Impact Officer, CDP
- • Hiroshi Ozeki Nissay Asset Management Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer
• Takeo Omori Asset Management One Co., Ltd. ESG Analyst, Responsible Investment Group
• Masahiro Takahashi NYK Line General Manager, Environment Group
• Megumu Tsuda Hitachi, Ltd. General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Division
• Haruhisa Tokito Youth For One-Earth Organizer
• Hidenao Makiuchi Dai-ichi Life International (Europe) Managing Director
• Nicolette Bartlet CDP Chief Impact Officer
• Naoyuki Yamagishi WWF Japan Chief Conservation Officer, Director, Climate & Energy and Oceans & Fisheries Division
Session Summary
The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network of non-state actors in Japan actively taking climate actions towards a decarbonized society. The event started with a message video of 6 JCI members participating in Race To Zero, a global campaign for non-state actors led by UN High Level Climate Champions. In the panel session following the video, JCI company members including companies and investment institutions introduced their own efforts to achieve 1.5 ℃ target to realize the decarbonized society by 2050. In addition, a representative of a youth group who is also a JCI memeber shared their thoughts and why they came to Glasgow for raising their voices for the climate crisis. As a closing remark, Nicolette Bartlet from CDP remarked that it is necessary for all non-state actors as the whole of society to change committments to actions to realize 1.5℃ target. The hall was always full throughout the session, and the participants discussed and shared the importance of tackling climate crisis right now from the perspective of each sector.
Message and Results
During COP26, besides this event, the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) also joined as speaker events organized by the Alliances for Climate Action, an global network of non-state and subnational actors’ initiatives from nine countries, including JCI, at the U.S. Climate Action Center, a side event venue for U.S. non-state and subnational actors. The JCI members shared their latest efforts in Japan and discussed the importance of coorporation of non-state actors.
Please visit the JCI website to find more about the JCI's activities at COP26.

2021.11.8 MONTimetable
10:30 - 12:00
Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
13:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 18:30
Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. / IHI Corporation