2022.11.17 THU
- 13:00 - 14:30
- Quad Workshop on Subnational Climate Action under Q-CHAMP
- Organizer
- National government of Japan, Australia, India and the US
- Co-organizer
- Seminar abstract
QUAD countries will hold this workshop based on the Q-CHAMP launched in the QUAD Summit held in May 2022.
The workshop aims to ① encourage information sharing, ② provide an opportunity for subnational entities to learn from each other, and ③ facilitate options for city-to-city collaboration for promotion of subnational climate actions.
In Session 1, measures by national governments to promote subnational climate actions and cases of international city-to-city collaboration will be shared. In Session 2, there will be a presentation on programs to support subnational climate actions, followed by a panel discussion from presenters.
Live-streaming: https://youtu.be/QLvhkUp16H8
*Depending on local network conditions, it may not be possible to distribute the streaming
- Speakers
- 【Local Speakers】
- NISHIMURA Akihiro(Ministry of the Environment, Japan) Minister of the Environment, Japan
- Chris Bowen(Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Australia) Minister for Climate Change and Energy
- Reed Schuler(Implementation and Ambition for SPEC) Managing Director
- Libby Schaaf(Oakland) Mayor
- Adrian Schrinner(City of Brisbane, Queensland) Mayor
- Jo Evans(Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) Deputy Secretary
- WATANABE Satoshi(International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, Global Environmental Bureau, MoEJ) Assistant Director
- Tadashi Matsumoto(OECD,Sustainable Development and Global Relations Unit) Head of Unit
- MIZUTANI Yoshihiro(International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, Global Environmental Bureau, MoEJ) Director
【Online Speakers】- Maitreyi Das(World Bank ,Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice) Practice Manager
- Christopher Pablo(Word Bank,Tokyo Development Learning Center) Team Lead
- Session Summary
The workshop aims to promote of subnational climate actions.National government of Japan, Australia, India and the US and international organization introduced
Measures by national governments to promote subnational climate actions
Cases of international city-to-city collaboration
Programmes to support subnational climate actions by international organization
and held panel discussion .
- Message and Results
QUAD discussed the role of central governments in encouraging local governments to take climate action, and ways to promote city-to-city collaboration. Minister Nishimura stressed that the needs of support and collaboration among cities is effective in achieving decarbonization.
Other timetable
2022.11.17 THU
- 10:30 - 12:00
High well-being with low energy demand towards the modern net-zero society
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
- 14:50 - 15:50
Leading Actions towards Zero Carbon Cities
Organizer: Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan
Co-organizer: IGES
- 16:10 - 17:10
Climate innovation and technologies for building decarbonized society in Africa – facilitative approaches and cooperative mechanisms for maximizing public and private sector partnerships
Organizer: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Co-organizer: The African Development Bank
- 17:30 - 18:45
Circular Priciples for Carbon Neutrality -Accelerating circular economy actions by the business sector and key drivers-
Organizer: Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
Co-organizer: World Economic Forum