2021.11.10 WED
15:00 - 16:30
Green innovation to contribute to energy transition in the Asian region with JCM and CEFIA
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Seminar abstract
【Agenda of the Event】
- Opening remarks
Mr. Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director-General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Keynote speeches
Overview of CEFIA: Mr. Kulit Sombatsiri, Permanent Secretary of Energy, Ministry of Energy, Thailand
Overview of JCM: Mr. Takashi Wada, Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
- Session 1 CEFIA: Flagship projects contributing to decarbonization
Progress of ZEB project: Ts. En. Steve Anthony Lojuntin, Director of Technical Development & Facilitation Division, Sustainable Energy Development Authority, Malaysia
Progress of RENKEI project: Ms. Lee Peoy Ying, Azbil Corporation, Prof. David Banjerdpongchai, Chulalongkorn University
- Session 2 JCM: Demonstration projects contributing to decarbonization
Progress of JCM-FS project (CCS): Mr. Mitsutake Kudo, Director and General Manager, JAPAN NUS CO., LTD.
Progress of NEDO demonstration project (OPENVQ): Dr. Yasuyuki Tada, Chief Engineer, Hitachi Ltd.
- Panel discussion: The public-private sectors’ collaboration for decarbonization in Asia Region
Mr. Toshio Kosuge, Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
Ts. En. Steve Anthony Lojuntin, Director of Technical Development & Facilitation Division, Sustainable Energy Development Authority, Malaysia
Prof. David Banjerdpongchai, Chulalongkorn University
Mr. Mitsutake Kudo, Director and General Manager, JAPAN NUS CO., LTD.
Dr. Yasuyuki Tada, Chief Engineer, Hitachi Ltd.
- Closing remarks
Mr. Takashi Wada, Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
- • Mr. Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director-General for Technology and Environment, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
• Mr. Takashi Wada, Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
• Mr.Koji Takahashi, Deputy Director, Global Environment Partnership Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
• Mr.Toshio Kosuge, Director, Global Environment Technology Promotion Division International Affairs Department, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
▼Online speakers
• Mr. Kulit Sombatsiri, Permanent Secretary of Energy, Ministry of Energy, Thailand
• Ts. En. Steve Anthony Lojuntin, Director of Technical Development & Facilitation Division, Sustainable Energy Development Authority, Malaysia
• Prof. David Banjerdpongchai, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
• Ms. Lee Peoy Ying, JEITA Delegate / RENKEI Control Working Group 1 under Control and Energy Management Sub-committee, Advanced Solution Department under Advanced Automation Company, Azbil Corporation
• Mr. Mitsutake Kudo, Director and General Manager, JAPAN NUS CO., LTD.
• Dr. Yasuyuki Tada, Chief Engineer, Power System Engineering Department, Energy Solution Division, Control System Platform Division, Services & Platforms Business Unit, Hitachi Ltd.
Session Summary
This side event focused on CEFIA (Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN) and JCM (Joint Crediting Mechanism) which have been implemented as the platforms for introduction of Japan’s green innovation to contribute to energy transition and decarbonization in Asia Region. In Session I, 2 projects implemented under CEFIA were presented; "Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB)" project which can reduce energy consumption in buildings to practically realize net zero, and "RENKEI" project which can reduce wasted energy by interconnecting operation of facilities and equipments in a factory. In Session II, 2 projects implemented under JCM were presented; CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) which is a technology to inject CO2 emitted in plants to underground, and “OPENVQ” which aims to optimize power system operations. In the panel discussion, panelists discussed the challenges on promoting decarbonization and energy transition in Asia Region in the future, and the importance of human resource development for project implementation and enhancement of financing were highlighted. In response to these challenges, the direction of enhancing public-private collaboration by utilizing the framework of CEFIA and JCM was presented.
Message and Results
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization will continue to work on energy transitions and decarbonization in Asia Region and the world through the activities of CEFIA and JCM.

2021.11.10 WEDTimetable
10:00 - 11:30
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
~Post-3.11 revitalization and efforts towards becoming a leading decarbonized region~
Ministry of the Environment, Japan Office for Fukushima Regeneration Project
17:00 - 18:30
CHAdeMO Association