2021.11.10 WED

17:00 - 18:30


Tackling the Climate change with CHAdeMO V2G

CHAdeMO Association

Seminar abstract

CHAdeMO Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology allows the batteries in electric vehicles (EVs) to be charged as well as discharged. Electricity produced from renewable sources can be stored and returned when and where it is needed. As more and more intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind increase, the transmission and distribution systems could become unstable, but V2G technology can help balance this. V2G with a large number of EVs could provide enough flexibility to allow greater amount of renewable energy sources to be integrated into the power system. Consequently, on top of emissions reduced from the EVs as vehicles, they can help decrease greenhouse gases emission in the power supply system, thus contributing to achieving the climate change goals.
In addition, EVs as ‘batteries on wheels’ can serve as an emergency power source wherever it is needed (e.g. in the event of a power failure or natural disaster). Power outages caused by more frequent disasters in the recent years have become a serious social problem and the CHAdeMO system is an effective solution to mitigate such impacts.
In this seminar, we will explain the basic concept of vehicle-grid-integration, state of technical standardization, present project examples and share emerging leanings from these projects. Together with CHAdeMO Association, speakers from the UK, one of the most advanced markets in this domain, will share their projects and emerging learnings, including the results from the world’s largest residential V2G aggregation project, Sciurus.


  • • Ms. Tomoko Blech CHAdeMO Association Europe Secretary General
    • Mr. Naotaka Shibata CHAdeMO Association Europe Director
    • Dr. Josey Wardle Innovate UK Innovation Lead - ZEV Infrastructure

    ▼Online speakers
    • Mr. Conor Maher-McWilliams Kaluza Head of Flexibility

Event Materials

Session Summary

CHAdeMO is a DC fast-charging standard that defines how EVs and chargers communicate. With the global installation base of over 45,000 charge points serving 2 million EVs in 96 countries, it is also the world's first and only international V2G (vehicle-to-grid) charging (and discharging) standard, with products already in the market. The V2G technology turns EVs into a "mobile energy resource" an emergency power source that can contribute to reinforced resilience against natural disasters. In addition, this V2G technology enables EVs to provide the flexibility needed to stabilise the electricity grid, which is becoming increasingly unstable because of the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, and to help expand the integration of such resources into the grid.

CHAdeMO V2G projects are taking place around the world, but Innovate UK, the UK's innovation agency, is leading the way with a £30 million investment. It is undertaking a range of projects, including the creation of V2G communities, technology validation and business model demonstrations, and is keen to share the lessons learned with other countries and regions.

The SCIURUS project is the world's largest residential V2G project, where Kaluza engaged in monitoring and controlling the EVs at homes across the UK to provide efficient and advanced V2G services to the grid by connecting EVs, houses, the wholesale electricity market and the grid. EV owners also can enjoy financial benefits from V2G participation. A study shows that with 16 GW of flexibility provided with 5 million EVs could save grid operators £3.5 billion per year in grid reinforcement costs otherwise required.

The CHAdeMO V2G is a key enabler for the transition to a net-zero society and will contribute to mitigating the climate change impacts. In a society where EVs are widespread, EVs as a mobile energy resource shall provide flexibility and stabilise the grid, allowing more and more unstable renewable energy sources, whose output depends on the weather, to be integrated. Currently, utilities use thermal power to provide 'flexibility,' but in the near future, V2G EVs can replace this for CO2 emissions reduction and eventually for decarbonising the electricity.

CHAdeMO Association wishes to continue working on the development of the V2G technology and help promote it as a pioneer.

Message and Results

It was meaningful to be able to disseminate information about the V2G technology, which is a key enabler of decarbonations and that contributes to mitigating the climate change impacts, to the world from the very site of the COP26 discussions.

The live stream was viewed, among others, by the government officials of BEIS (British Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) as well as other concerned parties.

2021.11.10 WEDTimetable



15:00 - 16:30
