Development of new technology to accomplish the decarbonized society ; Challenge for the mitigation and adaptation sector by the world’s first Magnus Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine that harnesses energy from typhoon
- Challenergy Inc.
Event Overview
To accomplish the decarbonized society, Challenergy Inc. will give a presentation about technical overview of the next generation wind turbine that they develop and possibility of contribution to the mitigation and adaptation sectors.
Recently, there are lots of issues about the conventional wind turbines although the wind energy market is developing globally and rapidly. Challenergy Inc. is conducting the technological development of their world’s first Magnus Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine that harness energy from typhoon and so, they will introduce the past circumstances of technological development to achieve this technology for practice use and its possibility in the future. This technology can be expected a greatest demand not only in Japan but also especially in island areas of those countries where typhoon, cyclone and hurricane pass. Challenergy Inc. is now developing overseas market primarily in the Philippines, above all considering of the microgrid systems for the remote island isolated from the main power grid. They will also talk about some specific case studies of the possibility that their wind turbine brings about in the Philippine market.
- Atsushi Shimizu, President and CEO, Challenergy Inc.
- Shigeto Mizumoto, Chief Strategist , Challenergy Inc.
Event Materials
Event Summary
At first, President and CEO of Challenergy Inc. Mr. Atsushi Shimizu gave a introduction of company overview.
He established Challenergy after witnessing the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, with the vision of "Supply safe electricity to all human beings through the innovation in wind energy". Now his team consists of international members and also has various alliances and supports from public and private entities.
Amongst renewable energy industry, the wind energy sector has been developing globally and rapidly, however Japan is behind the game.
Although Japan has a great potential of wind energy, it has not been installed much wind turbines because the conventional propeller-type wind turbine has some issues such as accidents by a strong wind and turbulance, noise and bird strike.
From this kind of circumstances, Challenergy has developed the world's first Magnus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine and has succeeded to generate energy when a strong typhoon hit our test field of 1 kW unit in Okinawa Prefecture.
One of the advantages of this technology is that it is capable to generate energy over a wind speed of 25m/s which a conventional wind turbine cannot operate in.
We have started demonstration of 10kW unit from August 2018 and will start mass production and global sale.
We plan to conduct some projects by installing our wind turbine such as, independent power source, disaster risk reduction and microgrid management.
In the new future, we plan to develop larger scale wind turbines and offshore design then accomplish a hydrogen society by harnessing energy from typhoon.
Followed by Shigeto, Chief Strategist introduced the Philippine market potential and a case study in its market.
The Philippines is a country that consists of seven thousand islands and there is a great potential for wind energy but it is a country with natural disasters where over 20 typhoons pass every year.
There are still lots of islands that rely on a small diesel generators therefore, we plan to build a hybrid microgrid system that is combined with other energy technologies.
As a specific case study, the expected impact by installing our wind turbine in Maniwaya island is calculated as following, 30% less of generation cost, 40% less of diesel fuel consumption and 80 tons per year less CO2 emission.
Also we conducted a socio-economic impact survey for residents and it showed a result that if they have a stable electricity and communication during typhoon, their level of wellbeing shall increase.
Challenergy has already signed Memorandum of Understanding with National Power Corporation and Philippines National Oil Corporation Renewables Corporation. On January 2019, we will establish a joint venture company and will install our first wind turbine in the Philippines in the same year.
①Challenergy Overview Introduction
1. Overview introduction
2. Overview and problems of wind energy industry
3. The world's first typhoon wind turbine introduction and implemented technologies
4. Overview of the demonstration experiment of 10kW Magnus Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
5. Product schedule and road map
6. Project development plan for the future
② Introduction of Case Studies in the Philippines
1. Market Overview in the Philippines
2. Micro-Hybrid grid concept
3. Case study of the concept in Maniwaya island
4. Socio-economic impact analysis
5. Future plan for the deployment
We could introduce our business development to the world having received respective parties from governmental and international organizations in the seminar.
Based on the policy of Japanese Government, we, Japan, all could demonstrate our specific solutions adopting their respective technology against climate change that was a great achievement of entire Japan Pavilion.
Japanese manufacturing technology will be leading the innovation same as it used to.
We, Challenergy will continue to develop technology and market in order to run at the front.