Final Programme
Framing presentation:
Towards achieving the SDGs through low carbon technology innovation,
deployment, and transfer
- Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto (Director of UNU-IAS / President of the OECC)
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Session 1 : Case studies from key players
Development of the GEF project in Cambodia: Low Carbon Development for Productivity and Climate Change Mitigation through the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST) Methodology project
- Mr. Sum Thy, Director of Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
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The JCM development in Indonesia and its evolution towards sustainable low-carbon growth cooperation
- Mr. Dicky Edwin Hindarto, Head of Indonesia JCM Secretariat
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Urban development of “FutureCity” Yokohama and the city-to-city collaborations
- Mr. Kimihiro Kuromizu, Executive Director for Climate Change Policy Headquarters, City of Yokohama
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OECC’s field activities to enhance low-carbon technology transfer: project match making in Viet Nam
- Ms. Yuriko Koyanagi, Researcher, OECC
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Low Carbon Technology Assessment facilitating effectiveness of Viet Nam’s NDCs
- Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher, OECC
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Session 2 : Discussion session
- Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto (Director of UNU-IAS /President of the OECC)
- Mr. Dicky Edwin Hindarto, Indonesia JCM Secretariat
- Mr. Sum Thy, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
- Mr. Kimihiro Kuromizu, City of Yokohama
- Mr. Makoto Kato, OECC
- Ms. Yuriko Koyanagi, OECC
Session Summary
- Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto furnished participants with examples of linkage between SDGs and climate change: renewable energy contributing to community development, and city-to-city cooperation in a smooth and flexible manner.
- Mr. Sum Thy touched upon Cambodia’s NDC which is under formulation stage and Cambodia’s localized SDG Goal 13: Climate Change. He emphasized economic/social/environmental benefits gained through TEST Methodology Project which is registered under GEF. These 3 benefits would support Cambodian industries to contribute to achieve NDC’s conditional target.
- Mr. Dicky Edwin Hindarto stressed that Indonesia JCM Secretariat was very confident that the JCM contributes to Sustainable Development (SD). Total investment of JCM projects in Indonesia is 150 million USD for 29 projects and 113 Million USD is coming from Project Participants of Indonesian side.
- Mr. Kimihiro Kuromizu highlighted several energy management efforts contributing to disaster-resilient city. Flagship projects with Bangkok City, Da Nang City, and Cebu City have been implemented effectively through combination of several funding schemes such as the JCM, JICA and so on.
- Inspired by OECC’s experience in horizontal development of Amorphous Transformers Projects across Viet Nam, Ms. Yuriko Koyanagi shared ratchet-up mechanism toward self-reliant growth making use of the JCM. Success of first projects pushed other power companies to follow the action.
- Mr. Makoto Kato introduced low-carbon technology assessment for Viet Nam’s NDC. Amongst 143 mitigation options, 100 options including F-gas are newly suggested and 61 options have relatively smaller barriers, which should be prioritized to raise ambition.
- By learning from leading key players, the floor and panelists shared expectations on integration of SD in the market based mechanisms. Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto concluded the session by saying that the JCM is an initial action to exercise a lot of benefits and it is a new agenda to realize SDGs through the JCM.
Key Messages
- The JCM is one of effective tools for technology innovation, deployment, and transfer which respond to the needs of developing countries.
- Through technology innovation, deployment and transfer making use of bilateral scheme such as the JCM and multilateral fund like GEF, financial sources could be diversified and it contributes to achieve NDCs efficiently in ambitious manner.
- In Indonesia and Vietnam, the JCM has paved the way for local entities’ investment and action for low-carbon development – that is to say, ratchet-up mechanism for sustainable development is emerging.
Name and organisation of the person(s) who prepared the summary
Yuriko Koyanagi, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)