Contribution of Japan in the Adaptation Area
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
The outline of adaptation initiatives taken by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, will be introduced, focusing on each company’s initiatives to transfer relevant techniques toward enhancing transparency of effects of climate change adaptation for 2012 to 2015.
- Opening remark
- Toshiaki Nagata, METI, Global Environment Partnership Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau
- Introduction of Adaptation policy by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Kai Yoshimoto, NRI, Global Infrastructure & Energy Consulting Department
- Q&A
The outline of adaptation initiatives taken by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2012 through 2015 was introduced, focusing on its attempt to visualize Japanese companies’ efforts in addressing climate adaptation challenges through transfer of relevant techniques.
The presentation consists of the following 4 elements,
- Aid amount in adaptation field
- Adaptation Plan by Japanese government
- The characteristics of the policy by METI
- Project examples
Key Messages
Regarding climate adaptation, demands for technology transfer and funding support are increasing, and there are more requests from developing countries through their NAPAs for the support.
On the other hand, with limited public funding being provided by developed countries, concerns on acute shortage of funds have been raised, highlighting the importance to enhance know-how and funding in private sector.
Based on the background, METI undertakes studies to nurture climate adaptation industry and to support the establishment of framework which facilitates business base solution to address climate adaptation challenges.
Kai Yoshimoto, Nomura Research Institute